Pubg mobile lite is also launched by tencent games ( Developers of pubg mobile). This game is for low end devices. You can play pubg mobile lite in a device with RAM below 2 GB. This game is for gamer who can not afford high end device but they want to play PUBG mobile. Pubg mobile lite is lite version of pubg mobile.
Worked with Incredible Motor 4, this adaptation of PUBG Versatile is littler in size and perfect with more gadgets with less Slam, yet without bargaining the astounding background that pulled in a large number of fans far and wide!
PUBG Portable Light highlights quick paced matches and a littler guide made for 60 players, giving an all the more invigorating battle involvement in the customary PUBG Versatile setting. At the point when obligation calls, fire away unreservedly in the fight for survival!
Let's know something new about pubg mobile lite
Availability - PUBG MOBILE LITE is launching in more countries every day! Currently available in select countries in South and South East Asia, South America, the Middle East, and Africa; PUBG MOBILE LITE will soon be available in North America and Europe. Are you ready to parachute into PUBG MOBILE LITE?
RPG - When you absolutely, positively, need to light that enemy up, there's always the RPG! Have you tried the RPG out yet? What do you think? But the user who are playing pubg mobile lite thinks, "Remove the RPG ,and also remove the aim assist .These two are making the game worst and why you remove the ghillie suit .No one need RPG! We don't need the aim assist"
Players and Game Time - Enjoy your game the way you want! Play PUBG MOBILE LITE anytime, anywhere, on practically any device, with 60 Players, 10 minutes matches.
Team up with friends- As like pubg mobile you can team up with your friends and win a chicken dinner.
Source: My Mobile Reviewer